Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Job searching on the internet for a business major
I hate job searching on the Internet! It’s really a dreadful experience, and I think for most of us who majored in business - we would all agree. searching.gifI always begin by first checking job searching sites like Monster.com and Careerbuilder.com, always finding the leads to be very disappointing, and when I get called by a prospective employer, it’s usually for something undesirable: no, I don’t want to open up my own life insurance branch, pay for all my own licensing, and then hustle and sell to all my friends - and then hopefully (after months or years of sales tactics) finally have an income. And when did marketing become the same thing as sales? What happened to market research, campaign management, and product placement? Marketing jobs on these sites are nothing but bad sales jobs. Why do I only get pursued for customer service and sales positions, when my major focused on accounting, human resources, marketing, and management? These days these jobs are hard to find unless you have a lot of experience; entry level jobs in these fields have become a thing of the past. Even if the job description is entry level, they still want lots of experience.

If I could go back in time, to say……high school, I think I would have excelled in math or science. Perhaps then, I would have been an engineer by now, or doing research in a bio-tech lab, on a good career path, and making payments on my first condo. Anyhow, as I visit job searching sites (both the widely popular and obscure), and company websites with minimal jobs that I am qualified for, I become more and more disappointed and frustrated with my career and its potential. Even when I do meet someone who may be able to help, they sadly refer me to their cold company website - because it is the only thing that they can recommend. There my resumes and cover letters are doomed get lost in the heaping piles of other submissions, and there it will stay because I don’t have years of experience, an ivy league education, or a technical background, and for the millions of us who don’t - we are all chewing, and fighting at each other for the same entry level jobs, and doing it behind a computer screen over the Internet. Sorry…I don’t mean to be too discouraging - I’m just frustrated with my career path.